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USA: Viking Ship Discovered Near Mississippi River

retrograde: http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/usa-viking-ship-discovered-near-mississipi-river/ [quote]A group of volunteers cleaning up the shores of the Mississippi river near the biggest city in Tennessee, have stumbled upon the remains of an ancient boat encrusted in mud. A team of archeologists from the University of Memphis that was rapidly called to the site, confirmed that the ship is most certainly a Viking knarr, suggesting the Norse would have pushed their exploration of America a lot further than historians previously thought.[/quote]

Ответов - 1

ВЛАДИМИР-III: Ну это уж только через систему Великих озер - не иначе. В принципе, если из Хэллуланда добраться в систему Великих озер, дальше те так уж сложно.

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